Tag: Issue 16
Four Poems | Michael Brockley
Brunette It was the year beautiful brunettes wore their hair like elaborate midnights on top of their heads. Everyday, I stifled the urge to kiss the brunette pianist who read music with brown eyes. She taught the bankers’ wives to play piano. “Chopsticks” and “Turkey in the Straw.” I listened on a bench across the […]
Two Poems | Lynn White
Dumebi | Aishat Adesanya | Fiction
Part 1 The two Bible-clutching Jehovah’s Witness preachers knocking on the door of House 8 on Moferere Street had no idea, but the stones that were coming for them were only stopped by what the little girl in dirtied school uniform thought was a brilliant idea. She brought her raised hand down with the rough-edged […]
To the Letter Writer(s) at the TV Licensing Office | Ibrahim Babátúndé Ibrahim | Essay
The first time I received a letter from you in December 2021, it came in the midst of several others. It stood out with the bright red lettering that peeked from its see-through envelope. All the letters made one demand or the other. Pounds, pounds, pounds, otherwise threat, threats, threats. In fact, your threats in […]
Two Poems | Juanita Rey
On the road to Greenland | Ian C Smith | CNF
Needing respite from factories, blast furnaces, I read Laurie Lee’s As I Walk Out One Midsummer Morning yearning to walk out myself – any morning would do – also wanting some best years of my life to remember when older. With minimal skills, even less education, bank balance unbalanced, gripped in the gap between family […]