Author: Lion and Lilac
Four Poems | Michael Brockley
Brunette It was the year beautiful brunettes wore their hair like elaborate midnights on top of their heads. Everyday, I stifled the urge to kiss the brunette pianist who read music with brown eyes. She taught the bankers’ wives to play piano. “Chopsticks” and “Turkey in the Straw.” I listened on a bench across the […]
Two Poems | Lynn White
Dumebi | Aishat Adesanya | Fiction
Part 1 The two Bible-clutching Jehovah’s Witness preachers knocking on the door of House 8 on Moferere Street had no idea, but the stones that were coming for them were only stopped by what the little girl in dirtied school uniform thought was a brilliant idea. She brought her raised hand down with the rough-edged […]
To the Letter Writer(s) at the TV Licensing Office | Ibrahim Babátúndé Ibrahim | Essay
The first time I received a letter from you in December 2021, it came in the midst of several others. It stood out with the bright red lettering that peeked from its see-through envelope. All the letters made one demand or the other. Pounds, pounds, pounds, otherwise threat, threats, threats. In fact, your threats in […]
Two Poems | Juanita Rey
On the road to Greenland | Ian C Smith | CNF
Needing respite from factories, blast furnaces, I read Laurie Lee’s As I Walk Out One Midsummer Morning yearning to walk out myself – any morning would do – also wanting some best years of my life to remember when older. With minimal skills, even less education, bank balance unbalanced, gripped in the gap between family […]
Two Poems | Andre Peltier
Clear Walloon To sleep the sleep of days, cleansed by the water of clear Walloon. To sleep the amphibian sleep of salamanders, sirens and mudpuppies, eyes shut tight like The Annex doors on Sunday morning. In a den of simplicity, caring not for the big city or the shadows in the dark, caring not […]