Four Poems | Ramachandran M A

This Time
this time
you set off
for a house
in the shadow
of a leaf
this time
you stand
in a house
that doesn’t exist
this time
you open a door
and a window
to the garden
this time
in the leaf-fall
this time
neither your father
nor your mother
nor the lone hibiscus
of these years
this time
the twilight river
a faint line
in farewell
Shadow Silence
the things
in my childhood
in the frozen silence
my poor father stood
my mother stood
spectre thin
I was abandoned
in the shadow
at the doorstep
or in the backyard
of that hillside hut
still in the dark
maybe in dream
I am pleading a poet
or a priest
to sit with me awhile
but see even those things
of my childhood
have long left me
only the frozen silence
no father
no mother
The Evening Fog
far away the river
and a birdsong–
beyond them hills
then more hills–
then a mountain trail
and you are all alone
there in the evening fog–
sometimes or always
in a teardrop
one’s last breath
White Blossoms
In all that is left
the dark puts forth
thin, green leaves,
from all that is left
a bunch of flowers,
despite the anguish
that gnaws the bone
the dark puts forth
thin green leaves
and white blossoms
Photo by Amanda Schmidt on Unsplash
Ramachandran M A is a poet currently based in Kozhikode, India. He writes under his pseudonym Tekisui RC as well.
Ramachandran’s poetry has appeared in Lion and Lilac Literary Magazine, Stripes Magazine, Rat’s Ass Review, Too Well Away Literary Journal, Arc Magazine and elsewhere.
Additionally, his poems have been published in two anthologies.