Between Sheets|Allan Lake|Poetry

We’ve never conceived
anything poetic together
but we do love to sperm
and egg each other on.
Post composing, we repose on net.
A safe house after committing
transgressions on clean sheets
of paper or on-line equivalent.
Virgin ‘vellum’ is ravished,
re-ravished, used, bruised,
routinely refused – but
neither of us lacks gall.
I show her mine; she shows
me hers. We spy on each other’s
searing verses, moan with-
out restraint or regret.
Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash
Originally from Saskatchewan, Allan Lake has lived in Vancouver, Cape Breton I., Ibiza, Tasmania
& Melbourne. Poetry Collection: Sand in the Sole (Xlibris, 2014). Lake won Lost Tower Publications (UK) Comp 2017 & Melbourne Spoken Word Poetry Fest 2018 & publication in New Philosopher 2020. Chapbook (Ginninderra Press 2020) My Photos of Sicily.
One Response to “Between Sheets|Allan Lake|Poetry”
Taiwo Oloyede