If You’re Searching|Mariam Odetoro|Poetry

Did i tell you of the Christmas

I wiped the floor clean with my tongue

for love? Begging it to stay?

Or the months after

when i rang Faiza every night

cussing the doctors for not helping.

I swore i had broken my neck,

must’ve been why i couldn’t see the sun

like everyone else.

And then June came and i was twenty two

no money, joy or job.

I thought i would die.

Imagine i never dragged my head

to a dance. Didn’t wait out that month

and the years.

Yes, joy is not here now

but perhaps there is more to stay for?

Another shade of blue to try on?

Perhaps joy, on you?

Photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash


Mariam Odetoro is a Nigerian Writer. She enjoys long walks to a library and unwrapping book gifts.

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